Friday, August 14, 2009

Va Bene

I'm currently on vacation... the computer is centrally located in the middle of the living room. I haven't forgotten about this blog/commenting on ya'll blogs. It has just become a little bit impossible at the moment.

They've stepped out for about 15 mintues.

I've been doing well since last post. I have decided to restrict to 800 calories a day. It's only been like 10 days, but I'm already sick of the fast fast binge fast binge binge fast fast... restricting worked for me before, and hopefully I'm not yo-yo'd enough for it to not work again.

I need my stomach flat for the beach. Everything else I can deal with, but a bloated stomach is just not acceptable.

I'm really sorry I can't read anyone's blogs. I feel like a deserter.

Hopefully you are all being strong..persevere. You know it'll be worth it when you don't have to avoid looking in the mirror because your afraid of what the damage will be.



  1. You're not a deserter. It is good to hear from you, just to know that you're doing alright though. Stay strong throughout this vacation! Can't wait to hear all about it when you come back. Much love.

  2. I've been doing the same binge/fast routine for the past 2 months now. But I've been scared to eat every single day, even if it would be a little bit. But you said restricting worked for you, and fasting/bingeing isn't? So maybe I can do this? I have 240 calorie Boosts, and I'm really really thinking of drinking 1 and a half monday to friday (360 cals) and drinking 2 or eating if I have to saturday and sunday (480-500 cals). What do you think? Even though my metabolism is thoroughly screwed, will I lose some weight? Or will I gain?
